
Jul 16, 2021
Raise your voice
As a former NDP MLA, Okanagan-Penticton, I am adding my voice to those many British Columbians who are passionately calling for the...

Jul 5, 2021
Students want the truth about climate change By Nick Wells | News, Politics | July 4th 2021 As part of a series highlighting the work of young people in...

Jun 29, 2021
Can Jonathan Wilkinson be our C.D. Howe?
By Seth Klein | Opinion | June 24th 2021 National Observer Environment and Climate Change Minister Jonathan Wilkinson (left) and C.D....

Jun 25, 2021
Solar Coops save $$$
BC is moving to new ways of producing electricity Peace Energy Cooperative has helped many residents and communities install solar...
Jun 24, 2021
When it comes to cost, wind and solar projects beat coal
Almost two-thirds of wind and solar projects built globally last year will be able to generate cheaper electricity than even the world’s...

Jun 3, 2021
Nature conservation key to food security, climate sustainability June 3rd 2021 Marc Fawcett-Atkinson Food Security Reporter In the 1930s, harmful agricultural practices transformed...

May 20, 2021
Canadian agribusiness wants scale to measure environmental impacts, but critics are wary
By Marc Fawcett-Atkinson | News, Food Insider | November 4th 2020 Making agriculture more sustainable is a widely shared goal — but how...

Apr 22, 2021
Climate action can save lives — it's time to go big
By Courtney Howard & Linda Silas | Opinion | April 22nd 2021 National Observer Discussions and plans of action around climate change are...

Apr 7, 2021
The New Climate Change Denialism
Starting in the 1980s, as atmospheric science began throwing up warnings that human use of fossil fuels was leading to climate change,...

Mar 28, 2021
Canada must adopt an emergency mindset to climate change. Seth Klein
If our current leaders believe we face a climate emergency, then they need to act and speak like it’s a damn emergency. We need them to name

Feb 20, 2021
CleanTech in Canada
Cleantech: B.C.’s $100-billion opportunity February 18th, 2021 Andrea Reimer Columnist @andreareimer When I was...

Jan 30, 2021
Podcast on Resiliency The Elephant in the Room: Why we can’t wrap our brains around climate change
Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time. It’s sometimes hard to know where to turn and know what to do. The ...

Jan 18, 2021
Don’t believe carbon pricing really works? Just ask B.C.
Carbon tax holds key to clean innovation. Pembina Institute With the federal government’s backstop price on carbon...

Dec 16, 2020
Canada's Carbon Tax Moving Forward
The die has been cast on Canada’s carbon tax. Now we just need the courage to implement it across the country Marc Jaccard Globe and...

Dec 10, 2020
Federal Government Not Doing Enough on Climate Action
MP Richard Cannings spoke to Parliament on December 9, 2020, about the lack of action to reach zero emissions by 2050 and the waste of...
Dec 1, 2020
The Nuclear Option in Canada
Michael Healey, PhD, writes: Canada has a long history of nuclear power development. Under the constitution, nuclear energy is a federal...
Nov 9, 2020
CBC: What On Earth: Nuclear
How climate change has put nuclear energy back on the table Canada’s resource minister says there’s no path to net-zero without more ...
Nov 6, 2020
Canada's Nuclear Plan
Pairing Renewables with Nuclear Power Generation to meet 2050 GHG Emission Reduction Targets
Nov 2, 2020
Penticton's Sustainability Committee
Penticton Sustainability Advisory Committee allows citizens to observe.

Oct 30, 2020
TMX isn't viable in today's market
Another study pointing to ending fossil fuels. "Canadian oil producers would be taking a loss of US$4 to $6 per barrel if they sold to...