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Take Action!
We can all make a difference

Make or buy a small produce bag to buy and store veggies and fruit.


Keep reusable produce bags in the car, bike, or purse to REFUSE plastic for fruits and veggies

Shop at Bulk Barn or The Refillery, Fillosophy, or Locamotive with your OWN containers and bags.  Get a 15% discount on Sundays at Bulk Barn if you do!

Buy LESS. Reuse MORE.

Line dry your clothes.

Use a washable cloth for your Swiffer instead of disposable ones.

Take a set of washable plates and cutlery when going to hotels that offer free breakfast. Let hotels know that disposables are passé.

Retrofit your home: get a heat pump, join a solar co-op, get an EV and a fast charger at home, get an energy audit.

Attach a bidet to your toilet, make small cloths to throw in the laundry, and NEVER BUY toilet paper again!

Take Action At Home ideas from David Suzuki Foundation

 Reduce Home Energy Use (and save $). Lots of links to resources.

35 Ways to Reduce your Carbon Footprint

How to Live Sustainably in 2022 

From Treehugger

5 great tips to live lighter on Earth


Hold a Repair Cafe.  Gather friends and the community to fix things instead of tossing them.

Organize a Clothing Swap and update your wardrobe for free, keeping fabric out of landfills.

photo Ilvy Njiokiktjien , CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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