FTFO Climate Action was at the Penticton Farmers Market, June 17, 2023. Lots of people chose the most impactful actions that individuals can do to reduce emissions.

At least 57 people chose these emission reducing solutions.
buy less stuff 33
drive less 24
grow own food 19
compost / eat less meat/dairy tie at 18
talk to people about climate 11
fly less / energy efficient house upgrades tie at 10
install solar / get an EV tie at 9
get involved with community 7
get electric garden tools 3
We also gave out accurate information about RNG "Renewable Natural" Gas. Oil & Gas companies tell cities and regional districts that increasing fossil fuel infrastructure, such as pipelines and fracking wells, are necessary to transition to renewable energy generation and not destructive. Funds should be redirected to developing solar farms and micro-grids with battery storage, run of river hydro, tidal and wind generation.